Student Blogs

Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Animal Research - By Laurence

Today in class we  choose  a animal and had to write about it and why we  choose  it. I  choose  a lion because it was poplar animal i know" we worked as a group first then we split into solo and worked form there. We had to write it in slides the Introduction and other things. 

Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Solar Energy - By Maraia and Amihuti

In TWP 5 we've been learning about solar energy. Here is a slide show from Amihuti and Maraia explaining some information that they found out in class.

Monday, 22 June 2020

George Floyd and Civil Rights

In TWP 5 we've been paying close attention  to the things happening around the world lately. We've been doing lots of work around what is fact and what is an opinion. This has been very helpful when we've been reading information about George Floyd and many other tragedies around the world. Here are some of our blogs about George Floyd and Black Civil Rights.  Read our personal blogs for more blogs!

Friday, 19 June 2020

Reflecting on our Level 4 Lockdown

In TWP 5 we started to make our posters explaining what our Level 4 lockdown was like. We added some mindful patterns in the background and coloured them in during our mindful and meditation period of our day. Here are some of our classmates work. 
Lock down by Kamaea

Beata's Poster of her Lockdown experience

Thursday, 18 June 2020

St Pius X Samoan Siva for Samoan Language Week - By Moala

On last week Friday 29thy of May, 
St Pius X School plus parents and  Felise were there. 
We were doing a Samoan dance. The reason why we were doing a
 Samoan dance celebration was  because it was Samoan language week.

Father Felise was talking in Samoan. 
Then Mr.Tai came up with a fluffy thing,
 he also was holding a sword.
We all moved to the other side so 
the girls in the other group could dance. 
Everyone was clapping when they were done.

The next group came up and did their dance.
 Once they were done with their dance everyone
 was clapping when they were finished. 
Finally it was the last group the people who were sitting was clapping to the beat the people who were standing was making lot's of noise. 
The people who were standing was making the sound "chihoo!".
 My thoughts of the celebration was a smart and excellent idea. I felt happy and exited

Wednesday, 17 June 2020

Holy Spirit and the Original Sin

In TWP 5 we've been looking at the original sin. We then created our own storyboards retelling the story. Here are some of our creations.

Arvay's Storyboard

Jabez' Original Sin

Savior's Original Sin
Head to our individual blog pages to view more comic strips of the Original Sin!

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus - By Amihuti

Today in class we learned about the Sacred heart of Jesus. I learned that Jesus made the 12 promises through St Margret Mary. Here is my Activity.

The feast of the sacred heart of Jesus symbolises the heart of Jesus. The feast of the Sacred Heart, of Jesus originates from Roman nun. In St  Margaret Mary’s visions Jesus was talking to her, and made the promises through her. Jesus made 12 promises that he said that he will provide or help us with. In my school we celebrate the feast, of the sacred heart of Jesus. By going to church and harmonising praising  Jesus and reading the word of the lord. St  Margaret Mary was born 22 July 1647. St Margaret Mary died 17 October 1690.

Friday, 12 June 2020

Aisake's Birthday!!

This week in Te Wairua Pakiki 5 we had a very important date to celebrate... It was Aisake's birthday! To add to the excitement we had a science experiment that we were trying to conduct all day. As a class we had many birthday wishes for our friend Aisake. Here are some of our birthday wishes from our classmates!

Did you guys know on June 10th it was my cousin's birthday? I did not know until I asked him why he bang a birthday cake and he said it’s my birthday today so after we said our prayer we sang him a happy birthday. After we sang him the birthday song my teacher asked him do you want to eat the cake after lunch then he said yes please” so we work our day but when it was morning tea we played touch when me and the birthday boy Aisake we were chasing the ball and i duck to go get the ball and we both tripped and started to laugh at each other but the bell rang. After morning tea we did some more work like blogging” but when it hit lunch we were all happy for cake after so we played then when we all heard the bell we all started to run to the door and waived in line after the cake we all enjoyed the last block with a game of Mauri.

By Laurence.