Student Blogs

Tuesday 14 May 2019

Mothers Day

Last Friday we had a special assembly to celebrate Mary, Mother of Jesus and of course our dear Mums! We spent some time at our school statue of Mary to send her our prayers to thank her and help our mothers.

We then created our poems, letters and cards for our mums, aunties, nanas and the other important women in our lives. Here are some letters and poems to our mums.

K - Kind to me even when I mess up
E - Encouraging me to do my best
T - Too beautiful for the rest of the world
E - Everyone gets jealous because they're not as pretty as          
you and as loving as her
R - Really fun and awesome

A - Always Kind, fair and caring
By Iverson
Tupua, Josaia and Iverson making their cards for Mother's Day

Dear Mum,

I am grateful that you are my mum and that God gave me you. Thank you for being a kind Mum to me. You are so beautiful your eyes shine like gold like mine. You have a loving heart and I love you and you love me. Thank you for always looking out for me. Thank you for taking me to so many beautiful places. I am grateful that I have food and a lovely house because of you and dad. I am so happy that I have you in my life and thank you for looking after me and dropping me off to school and picking me up I will always love you. XOXO May God bless you
Love from: Kamaea Naden

What did you do to celebrate your mum?

1 comment:

  1. hi kamaea i really like your happy mothers day card.
    Keep it up kamaea.
